Becoming a Member
New memberships include:
- Welcome packet and membership I.D.
- Subscription to the club’s qaurterly magazine “The Ignitor”
- Full club voting rights and privileges
- Access to the members-only digital archive of reference images and past newsletters
- Updates on upcoming shows
- Connecting with a network of hundreds of collectors worldwide that are constantly sharing information and history on antique spark plugs and access to club sales and auctions.
Dues are payable not later than March 30th of each year. Memberships initiated during the year include all back issues of the IGNITOR for that calendar year. Members can also participate in the Members Only Website which includes hundreds of spark plug reference photos along with a growing repository of archived back issues of the Ignitor. Dues payments may be made through Paypal, in cash, by a draft on a U.S. bank, or by an International Postal Money Order. Payment must be made in U.S. funds.
New Memberships and Renewals for 1-year
Digital-Only Membership (includes access to “The Ignitor” in a full color digital format, available worldwide)
- $20.00
United States Residents (includes printed copy of “The Ignitor”)
- $35.00
Canadian Residents (includes printed copy of “The Ignitor“)
- $45.00
International Residents (includes printed copy of “The Ignitor”)
- $55.00